21 April 2014


Can you imagine listening to and singing along with this choral group in the Motherland?  

Or how about attending a real Old Country wedding complete with a procession around the church? 
The two above photos were taken by CRS/LMC Board Member Richard Carbera Trojanowski.  Richard's presentation will include video clips of his interviews of Lemkos, Rusyns living in southern Poland whose traditions and language are slowly being obliterated by the larger culture which surrounds them.  As a member of the Lemko Project, he has recorded the experiences of the Lemko people through their eyes, including the horror of the ethnic cleansing that took place in the past, in an effort to preserve the history of  a gentle people and to show other people what they will find there today.
We Rusyns often talk about wanting to visit the land of our ancestors but some of us have never gotten around to it.  Hopefully these photographs and four members of our Carpatho-Rusyn Society/Lake Michigan Chapter will entice you to get moving on your dream of exploring the land of our forefathers and foremothers at our upcoming event.  

Wouldn't it be nice to learn that this castle near Brezina belonged to your relatives?   C-RS/LMC Treasurer Fr. John Lucas was disappointed when the guide for his tour group said they wouldn't be visiting the castle.

 Mark your calendars now so you won't miss a "trip to the Old Country" with tour guides Michael Baron, Brendan Barry, Tom Sedor and Richard Trojanowski.  The four Lake Michigan Chapter Board members are looking forward to sharing their adventures, stories and pictures of the motherland with everyone on Saturday, May 17 at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church, 8530 W. 131st St. in Palos Park, IL.  

 St. Michael the Archangel Orthodox Church in Turynskoj now Turzansk  which was built in 1803 by C-RS/LMC Board Member Michael Baran's grandfather.
 The interior of St. Michael the Archangel Orthodox Church.

The doors will open at 12:30 with the program to begin at 1 PM.  You may have attended the pysanky workshop we did there 3 years ago.  If you would be willing to bring some baked goods or other snacks, we would appreciate knowing when you make your reservation.  Please RSVP by Friday, May 9 to lakemichiganrusyns@gmail or Ken at 708/895-3074 .   

 A traditional Rusyn Lemko home with a modern-day satellite dish
surrounded by mountains and flowers.

C-RS/LMC President Charlotte Pribish Conjelko took this picture of her mother, Ann Telmanik Pribish, taking note on Pribish family members in the Jakubany cemetery. The young man is a Telmanik cousin from Snakov.
 C-RS/LMC Board Member Tom Sedor took this photo of the Dukla Pass monument dedicated to those who lost their lives in that long drawn out battle.
Tom Sedor earns his ride on the Dunajec River by helping paddle a river boat.

19 April 2014

Blessed Easter to All Our Followers

Христос Воскресе!  BoиcтиHY Воскресе!
Christos Voskrese!  Voistinu Voskrese!
                 Christ is Risen!     Indeed He is Risen!